
租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: 非常棒
对租租车的评价: 租车方便,客户回复及时
车图标 大众 高尔夫或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: 非常满意
对租租车的评价: 临时寻求帮助延迟取车时间,虽然没有用到新的时间,但是服务很快捷
车图标 大众 高尔夫或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: I am very satisfied with the service attitude and waiting time at Sicily By Car rental company. Their staff were friendly, professional, and efficient in handling the rental procedures. The waiting time was also relatively short, making the entire car pickup process very smooth.
对租租车的评价: As for the booking experience and customer service on the Zuzuche website/APP, I am also satisfied. The website/APP interface is user-friendly, with a clear and understandable booking process that is convenient and quick. The customer service is responsive and helpful, promptly addressing any questions or concerns I had, which left me with a positive impression.
自驾心得: As for our overall driving and rental experience, it was exceptional. The rental car was in excellent condition, and driving was a pleasure. Navigating through Italian cities and countryside was a joy, offering us the freedom to explore at our own pace. We were impressed by the convenience and flexibility of having a rental car, which allowed us to maximize our travel experience. Looking forward to our next adventure!
自驾线路: Our driving route was from Rome to Pisa, then to Florence, and back to Rome. Along the way, we traversed scenic countryside roads, taking in the breathtaking views of the Italian landscape. We made stops at iconic landmarks such as the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, immersing ourselves in the rich cultural heritage of eac
车图标 雷诺 Clio或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: 整体满意,车子适合2人出行,走街串巷。有carplay,车上usb充电。混动车油耗4.6。无推销。
对租租车的评价: 满意。依然是我的出国租车首选。
车图标 雷诺 Clio或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: 超一流的服务,无推销保险
对租租车的评价: 值得信赖的公司
车图标 大众 Polo或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: 非常满意
对租租车的评价: 非常满意
车图标 大众 高尔夫或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: 算是当地比较大的公司,提车和还车都比较快,收了650的预售权,应该还没有解除;整体感觉不错。意大利非常适合自驾,除了停车贵,建议老司机基本险就足以,不用上全险,当地人开车停车都很规矩。
千万注意这个停车场是个雷区,提车后出租车公司的停车区会拿到一张停车卡,然后出停车楼时候插入读卡机应该就自动抬杆放行了,但我用的时候没反应,呼叫人工给抬杆了,结果一直视同场内再计费,晚上到了那不勒斯才发现,结果交了33欧的停车费。碰到这种情况出场后马上靠边停车,用小票上给的easy parking这个软件赶紧扫码付费
对租租车的评价: 基本都是自己搞的,没感觉客服有什么存在感
车图标 雷诺 Clio或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: 超级无敌好!!提车省心,还车顺利!
对租租车的评价: 如果要在罗马中央车站租车强烈建议各位选这个公司,前台老爷爷服务态度贼好,还给了我们一个很新很好的车,交谈时再三提醒我们意大利小偷很多要多注意。无其他强制费用,雪链是我们现场自己要的。还车也没有任何刁难,非常满意!
车图标 大众 高尔夫或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: 该公司是意大利一家本土租车公司,主打一个性价比,20多天租车费才1000多元人民币,价格相比欧洲连锁品牌租车公司便宜不少。作为一名去过九次意大利的老资格,在这里划重点!想白嫖这家公司,不被找麻烦的前提是你得在人家柜台买全险,如不买全险,你验车哪怕是再仔细,还车也不敢保证万无一失,随便一道小划痕租车公司起步赔偿都是200多欧起,加上意大利人开车不太守规矩,为了不必要的麻烦,强烈建议直接购买租车公司的全险。2023年12月意大利汽油价格普遍在每升1.75欧左右,1.0小排量省油,开下来平均每公里大约0.5元人民币左右。在意大利开车一定要注意避开每个城市的ZTL限行区,否则会被重罚。
对租租车的评价: 各方面都比较满意
车图标 标致 208或同组车型