
租车公司: 租租车:

对CarHire Baku的评价: 接待不错,同组车一般般,不满意
对租租车的评价: 服务较好,车辆价格较贵,预定的日产juke,只提供了现代VENUE,现代这款车及其烂。
车图标 日产 Juke或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对CarHire Baku的评价: 一开始很担心找不到门店,也担心被坑,实际体验下来非常好!车子也很不错,我们开去了泥火山弄得超级脏,要付10马内特的洗车费,感觉价格也是合理的
对租租车的评价: 这款有补充险,还挺让人放心的!
车图标 现代 克里特或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对CarHire Baku的评价: The car shop belongs to a local and very qualified and reputable company, the service level is much better than I expected, and the car is picked up and returned at the airport, which is very convenient. The management of the car shop is very professional and standardized, especially the young brother Morat who is responsible for receiving this car rental business, his job was very skilled, and very enthusiastic as well. Hope I have the opportunity to come to Baku again, I will continue to rent their cars.
对租租车的评价: 通过几次租车交流及问题处理,感觉租租车平台是一家值得信赖的汽车租赁机构,以后会继续在租租车平台租车!
车图标 现代 克里特或同组车型