
租车公司: 租租车:

对Hertz的评价: 满意
对租租车的评价: 取到的是一辆菲亚特500x,全新,还算好开,操作比较陌生。
车图标 丰田 C-HR或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: 非常棒
对租租车的评价: 租车方便,客户回复及时
车图标 大众 高尔夫或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对OK Mobility的评价: 罗马termini车站内,很好找,服务好,有保险推荐但不强制,婉拒后不再推销。
对租租车的评价: 非常满意
车图标 标致 3008或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对U-SAVE的评价: 一般吧,取车不方便
对租租车的评价: 还不错
车图标 丰田 致炫或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Rental Plus的评价: 满意
对租租车的评价: 可选择性多,价格有优势,有保障
车图标 大众 Polo或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: 非常满意
对租租车的评价: 临时寻求帮助延迟取车时间,虽然没有用到新的时间,但是服务很快捷
车图标 大众 高尔夫或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Rental Plus的评价: 还可以,就是比较刻板!我们早到了半个小时就是不给办手续,后来还是提前十五分钟给我办了!
对租租车的评价: 机场到达出口坐电梯上二楼,往停车场C栋走,坐电梯上四楼出来左手边就是!出来再停车场一楼出来一定往右拐出停车楼,左拐出来又是一个收取口(无人值守)打呼叫要说租车公司名字才放行!车辆虽然帮忙升级到雷卡萨斯,但是副驾车门有很大的擦挂!
车图标 大众 Polo或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: I am very satisfied with the service attitude and waiting time at Sicily By Car rental company. Their staff were friendly, professional, and efficient in handling the rental procedures. The waiting time was also relatively short, making the entire car pickup process very smooth.
对租租车的评价: As for the booking experience and customer service on the Zuzuche website/APP, I am also satisfied. The website/APP interface is user-friendly, with a clear and understandable booking process that is convenient and quick. The customer service is responsive and helpful, promptly addressing any questions or concerns I had, which left me with a positive impression.
自驾心得: As for our overall driving and rental experience, it was exceptional. The rental car was in excellent condition, and driving was a pleasure. Navigating through Italian cities and countryside was a joy, offering us the freedom to explore at our own pace. We were impressed by the convenience and flexibility of having a rental car, which allowed us to maximize our travel experience. Looking forward to our next adventure!
自驾线路: Our driving route was from Rome to Pisa, then to Florence, and back to Rome. Along the way, we traversed scenic countryside roads, taking in the breathtaking views of the Italian landscape. We made stops at iconic landmarks such as the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, immersing ourselves in the rich cultural heritage of eac
车图标 雷诺 Clio或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对AVIS的评价: 還不錯
对租租车的评价: 很棒
车图标 丰田 C-HR或同组车型