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貴港華盛旅遊車隊,是經國家工商局批准註冊的正規汽車租賃公司,是有規模、有實力、講口碑、重服務的專業化汽車租賃公司。 我公司員工報價準確、快捷、合理,讓您能感受到來自專業化的服務,帶給您的不一樣享受和回報。 公司擁有一批高度敬業的、服務一流的駕駛技術嫻熟的專業化的司機隊伍。專為成功人士,VIP羣體,商務洽談,會議,旅遊,婚慶等,提供高檔全新車輛對外出租服務。車新,司機服務好,價格合理。選擇我們,就選擇了放心與安心。 公司常備車款:別克商務車GL8(7座),瑞風商務車(8~11座),金盃麪包車(11~14座),豐田考斯特(22+2座),金龍中巴車,金龍大巴車(18~22~25~33~37~45~55座)共計車輛六十餘台,所有車輛旅遊客運手續及保險齊全,司機持資格證上崗。 我們希望透過租車能夠成為建立我們長期友誼的橋樑,我們的宗旨是“以好人品做人 靠真本事做事”,透過一流的服務質量,打造汽車租賃業的航母。 本公司承諾,服務不好,達不到您滿意,我們不收取任何費用!!!
The car travel team of HARBIN VACATION ROUND THE WORLD TRAVEL AGENCY LIMITED COMPANY is the national industrial and Commercial Bureau approved the registration of the regular car rental company.Our professional car rental company have the size,strength,speaking reputation and heavy service.My company staff offer accurate,fast,reasonable,so that you can feel from professional services,to bring you dont enjoy the same and return.The company has a number of highly dedicated,service first-class driving skilled professional team drivers.Specifically for the successful,VIP groups,business, onference,tourism,wedding,with high-grade new vehicle rental service.The new car,the driver service good,the price is reasonable.Choose us,will choose the rest assured that with ease.The company standing models:The Buick business car GL8(7), REFINE business car(8~11),GOLDENCUP microbus(11~14), TOYOTA COASTER(22+2).Total vehicles more than sixty.All the vehicles travel passenger transport and insurance formalities complete, driver holding qualification certificate.We hope to establish our long-term rental will become a bridge of friendship.Our aim is to:With good character to real ability.Through the first-class service quality, create a car rental industry aircraft carrier.Commitment to the company, the service is not good, not to your satisfaction, we do not charge any fees!!!

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公司簡介 • 華盛汽車租賃





  我們希望透過租車能夠成為建立我們長期友誼的橋樑,我們的宗旨是“以好人品做人  靠真本事做事”,透過一流的服務質量,打造汽車租賃業的航母。

聯繫方式 • 華盛汽車租賃
  • 公司地址:金港大道